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Table 1 Diagnoses in the 10 th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) considered human papillomavirus-related

From: Risk of human papillomavirus-related cancers among kidney transplant recipients and patients receiving chronic dialysis - an observational cohort study

Anatomical region

ICD-10 diagnoses considered related to human papillomavirus

Head and necka

C01.9, C02.4, C02.8, C09.0, C09.1, C09.8, C09.9, C10.2, C10.8, C10.9, C14.0, C14.2, C14.8


C53.0- C53.9

Vulva and vagina

C51.0- C52.9




C21.0 -C21.8

  1. abased on classification used by Ryerson et al.[26].