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Table 2 Frequency of survival (Cox, cause-specific, or Fine and Gray) and logistic regression models used to investigate risk factors of time-to-event outcomes

From: Regression methods for investigating risk factors of chronic kidney disease outcomes: the state of the art

Outcome investigated


Regression model mentioned in the paper

n (%)b

Exactly known time-to-event



 All-cause death


Cox model

108 (81.8)

Cause-specific model

10 (7.6)

Fine and Gray model

10 (7.6)

Logistic model

4 (3.0)

 Cardiovascular death


Cox model

29 (93.6)

Cause-specific model

1 (3.2)

Fine and Gray model

1 (3.2)

 Cardiovascular event


Cox model

23 (100.0)

 Initiation of kidney replacement therapy or death due to kidney failure


Cox model

65 (78.3)

Fine and Gray model

10 (12.1)

Cause-specific model

7 (8.4)

Logistic model

1 (1.2)

 Initiation of kidney replacement therapy or death (whichever comes first)


Cox model

38 (100.0)

Interval-censored time-to-event



 Absolute or relative change in renal function higher than a specific value as compared to baseline value, based on


Cox model

7 (30.4)

Fine and Gray model

1 (4.4)

  - GFR (n = 19)

Logistic model

15 (65.2)

  - creatinine clearance (n = 3)

  - proteinuria (n = 1)

 Transition to a specific stage of disease, based on


Cox model

9 (69.2)

  - GFR (n = 9)

Logistic model

4 (30.8)

  - proteinuria (n = 4)

 Doubling of creatinine (serum or clearance)


Cox model

7 (87.5)

Logistic model

1 (12.5)

 Composite of


Cox model

1 (100.0)

  - decline in 30% of creatinine clearance

  - increase in proteinuria > 3.5 g/d

Composite of exact and interval-censored time-to- events


Cox model

35 (81.4)

Fine and Gray model

3 (7.0)

Cause-specific model

3 (7.0)

Logistic model

2 (4.6)

  1. Abbreviations: GFR glomerular filtration rate, CKD chronic kidney disease.
  2. aNumber of occurrences the specific outcome was used. The total exceeds 304 because some papers investigated several types of events.
  3. bNumber and percentage of occurrences the statistical method was used for each specific outcome.