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Table 1 Respondents' characteristics (n = 53), mean (SD) unless otherwise stated

From: Reliability and validity of the ESRD Symptom Checklist – Transplantation Module in Norwegian kidney transplant recipients

Age, years

57.5 (13.2)

Female gender, number (%)

22 (42)

Married/cohabiting, number (%)

40 (76)

Education in years, number (%)



17 (32)


22 (42)


12 (26)

Body mass index, kg/m2

26.8 (5.8)

Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

131 (15)

Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg

78 (8)

S-creatinine, μmol/L

136 (74)

Hemoglobin, g/dL

13.6 (1.6)

Employment, number (%)


   Full-time employed

18 (34)

   Part-time employed

3 (6)

   On sick-leave

4 (8)

   Disability pension

15 (28)

   Retired because of age

11 (21)



Diagnosis, number (%)



19 (36)

   Polycystic disease

14 (26)

   Hypertensive renal disease

7 (13)

   Diabetic nephropathy

7 (13)


6 (12)

Type of transplantation, number (%)



32 (60)

   Living donor

21 (40)

Immunosuppression, number (%)


   Ciclosporin A

40 (76)


10 (19)

   Mycophenolate mofetil

20 (38)


14 (26)


51 (96)

Blood pressure medications, number (%)



18 (34)


9 (17)


14 (26)


12 (23)

Charlson comorbidity index, median (range)

2 (2–8)

Time since transplantation, years (median (range))

4.4 (0.4–29.1)