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Table 4 Sensitivity analysis

From: Apolipoprotein L1, income and early kidney damage

Model – Variables

Odds Ratios for eGFR < 75(95% Confidence Interval)n = 51 events

P interaction ( APOL1 x SES measure)

Odds Ratios for Elevated ACR(95% Confidence Interval) n = 21 events

P interaction ( APOL1 x SES measure)


High-risk versus Low-risk APOL1 variants

Low SES versus Higher SES Group


High-risk versus Low-risk APOL1 variants

Low SES versus Higher SES Group


Additive Models


APOL1, Education

1.60 (1.00, 2.57)

1.95 (1.50, 2.54)


3.89 (2.28, 6.63)

1.68 (0.34, 8.23)


APOL1, Employment

2.06 (1.53, 2.78)

4.64 (3.40, 6.33)


3.12 (1.73, 5.63)

1.32 (0.83, 2.08)


APOL1, Health Insurance

1.92 (1.27, 2.90)

1.00 (0.53, 1.89)


3.04 (1.65, 5.60)

0.56 (0.14, 2.28)

**could not be determined

APOL1, Regular Health Care Source

1.91 (1.15, 3.17)

0.54 (0.31, 0.94)


3.09 (1.56, 6.13)

0.64 (0.14, 2.86)

**could not be determined

  1. Note: Data on employment, health insurance and regular source of health care were missing for 11% in the eGFR < 75 models and for 17% of the ACR models. For the eGFR < 75 models, these variables were missing in 16% of the high-risk APOL1 group compared to 10% of the low-risk group. For the ACR models, these variables were missing in 25% of the high-risk APOL1 group compared to 15% of the low-risk group.
  2. *High-risk APOL1 was associated with eGFR < 75 only among those who were unemployed [3.54 (1.98, 6.35)] compared to the employed [0.45 (0.13, 1.58)].
  3. **Imbalance in strata.
  4. Association of APOL1 and Other Indicators of Socioeconomic Status (SES) with eGFR < 75 ml/min/1.73 m2 or Sex-Specific Elevated Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (ACR).