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Table 2 ABPM measurements in various study groups: BMI > 30 (n = 36), CKD (n = 14) and control (n = 25)

From: The fructose tolerance test in patients with chronic kidney disease and metabolic syndrome in comparison to healthy controls


BMI > 30 (1)

CKD (2)

Control (3)


N = 36

N = 14

N = 25

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Median (range)

Median (range)

Median (range)

SBP[ABPM -24 h]

128,5 ± 12,1

138,8 ± 22,9

122,1 ± 9,5

1-2 p = 0,1345

1-3 p = 0,2416

2-3 p = 0,0066

DBP [ABPM-24 h]

76,3 ± 9,4

79,9 ± 6,8

73,5 ± 4,4

p = ns

  1. Abbreviations: SBP –systolic blood pressure, DBP-diastolic blood pressure, ABPM –ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
  2. (1) means - BMI> 30 group; (2) means - CKD group; (3) means - control group.