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Table 4 Secondary outcomes, subgroup and sensitivity analyses

From: Outcomes of sustained low efficiency dialysis versus continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill adults with acute kidney injury: a cohort study

Secondary outcome

Unadjusted odds ratio (95 % CI)

Adjusted odds ratio (95 % CI)

RRT dependence at 30 days

1.27 (0.53–3.04)

1.36 (0.51–3.57)

Composite outcome: increase in SOFA score or death at 48 h

0.77 (0.44–1.35)

0.73 (0.40–1.34)

Subgroup analysisa

Adjusted odds ratio (95 % CI)

SOFA score ≥16

1.44 (0.52–3.95)

SOFA score <16

0.84 (0.34–2.11)

Sensitivity analysisb


SLED as predominant RRT modality

1.70 (0.75–3.82)

SLED as exclusive RRT modality in first 3 treatment sessions

1.36 (0.61–3.82)

  1. a30-day mortality for patients stratified by SOFA score
  2. b30-day mortality for patients with exposure defined by modality of majority of RRT treatment sessions received and patients with no change in RRT modality within the initial three RRT sessions