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Table 1 Patient characteristics training group (N = 60)

From: Quantification of excretory renal function and urinary protein excretion by determination of body cell mass using bioimpedance analysis


Mean ± SD

Median (P25, P75)

Minimum, Maximum

Age; y

53 ± 16

56 (38, 64)

23, 83

Plasma creatinine; μmol/L

196.0 ± 157.0

137 (93.0, 258.0)

60.0, 831.0

24hU Creatinine; mmol

13.68 ± 4.22

13.6 (10.9, 16.4)

5.46, 25.10

24hU-CrCl; mL/min/1.73 m2

61.7 ± 34.9

55.0 (28.7, 90.3)

11.5, 136.0

eCrCl (Cockcroft-Gault); mL/min/1.73 m2

58.6 ± 37.2

52.4 (27.6, 78.6)

10.5, 175.7

eGFR (4vMDRD); mL/min/1.73 m2

47.6 ± 28.9

43.0 (22.8, 70.5)

6.0, 124.0

eGFR (CKD-EPI); mL/min/1.73 m2

51.1 ± 32.0

44.0 (23.3, 74.0)

6.0, 120.0

Body weight; kg

83.6 ± 21.2

78.7 (70.0, 94.3)

49.3, 154.6

Body height; cm

173 ± 9

174.5 (167.0, 180.3)

154, 192

BMI kg/m2

28.1 ± 6.8

25.8 (23.1, 31.2)

18.6, 56.8

Body Surface Area; m2

1.99 ± 0.27

1.97 (1.83, 2.13)

1.49, 2.66

BIA Free Fat Mass; kg

57.8 ± 12.6

57.1 (48.5, 67.2)

31.6, 93.1

BIA Body Cell Mass; kg

29.3 ± 8.2

28.3 (23.1, 34.7)

11.6, 52.5

Abdominal circumference; cm

101 ± 18

98 (89, 113)

72, 146

Hip circumference; cm

103 ± 13

102 (95, 110)

80, 147

Waist/hip ratio

0.98 ± 0.09

0.98 (0.93, 1.03)

0.75, 1.13

MAMC; cm

27.8 ± 4.0

27.7 (25.1, 30.2)

21.5, 40.5

LBM (skinfolds); kg

56.9 ± 11.7

57.4 (48.7, 65.3)

35.0, 88.2