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Table 2 A 7-day 0.6 LPD menu for a 60 kg urban patient in Cameroon

From: A practical approach to low protein diets for patients with chronic kidney disease in Cameroon



Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


Beignets and, beans stew

1 piece of meat (100 g) in s cabbage stew with, onions

Boiled Irish potatoes or bobolo

1 slice of fresh fish (50 g) in stewed leafy vegetables with lots of onions

Boiled Sweet Potatoes

25 g of minced meat with steamed mixed vegetables and diced boiled Irish potato in salad

1/4 medium avocado, vegetable salad with low fat salad dressing


Tea with sugar

Corn or millet pap, bread or beignets

1 slice of fish (50 g) in soup

Boiled Plantain or bobolo


Stewed local leafy vegetables with soyabean or groundnut paste.

Boiled cocoyam

11/2 slices of fresh fish (70 g) with mixed vegetables in stir fry

Boiled yam

2 tablespoons of ground crayfish in stewed local leafy vegetables with lots of onions

Boiled Irish Potatoes

Mixed local vegetables in or tomato sauce

300 g (15 heaped tablespoons) of boiled white rice

01 drumstick of skinned chicken in stewed cabbage with lots of onions, celery and leeks

Boiled plantain

Cassava leaves and palm nut pulp in soup served with boiled cassava OR Sanga

1 slice of steamed fish (50 g) in garden eggplant leaves in stir fry

Boiled plantains


Vegetable salad and bread

Lemon grass tea

15 g of smoked fish in okra soup served with garri

2 tablespoons of soybean paste in stewed cabbage

Boiled unripe bananas

1 medium chicken drumstick (100 g), in soup

Boiled Irish potatoes

Egusi or groundnut okra soup with crayfish

Corn fufu

Mixed vegetables in tomato sauce

pasta or rice (boiled)

A slice of fresh fish (50 g), flaked with melon leaves in stir-fry

Boiled sweet potatoes

  1. Beignets: deep fried semi-liquid paste of wheat, cassava, and corn or beans flour sweetened with either sugar or banana or salted the; Bobolo: steam boiled paste of fermented cassava (Manihot utilissima roots); Cocoyam: tuber of Xanthosoma sp.; Corn fufu: cooked paste of dried ground corn; Garri: A fine to coarse granular flour made from fermented cassava fried either in palm oil or without palm oil; Irish potatoes: Solanum tubrosum; Okra: Abelmoschus esculentus; Pap: a dish made of hot cereal of fermented corn, sorghum or millet flours and mixed with water, sugar and lemon; Sanga: dish of fresh corn boiled with cassava, huckleberry or pumpkin leaves in palm nut pulp; Sweet potatoes: tuber of Ipomoea batatas,; Yam: tuber of Dioscorea sp., Egusi: ground melon seeds (Cucumeropsis mannii)