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Table 1 Baseline characteristics for patients with eGFR values at baseline and month 12

From: Renal function in patients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease receiving intravenous ferric carboxymaltose: an analysis of the randomized FIND-CKD trial


High ferritin FCM (n = 97)

Low ferritin FCM (n = 89)

Oral iron

(n = 167)

Age, years

69.3 (12.9)

69.0 (12.1)

69.6 (12.7)

Female gender, n (%)

61 ((62.9)

56 (62.9)

106 (63.5)

White race, n (%)

93 (95.9)

83 (93.3)

159 (95.2)

Body mass index, kg/m2

30.5 (6.8)

30.0 (5.3)

29.4 (5.4)

History of diabetes, n (%)

61 (62.9)

59 (66.3)

106 (63.5)

Endogenous erythropoietin, mIU/mL

29.4 (24.6)

29.6 (27.4)

26.3 (20.9)

Hb, g/dL

10.4 (0.7)

10.5 (0.9)

10.7 (0.6)

Ferritin, μg/L

54.2 94.9)

45.8 (44.3)

52.4 (39.9)


16.3 (20.2)

14.9 (7.5)

14.8 (7.0)

C-reactive protein, mg/L

7.4 (13.4)

5.7 (5.9)

5.3 (6.5)

ACE inhibitor therapy prior to study entry, n (%)a

32 (33.0)

37 (41.6)

69 (41.3)

Angiotensin II antagonist therapy prior to study entry, n (%)b

41 (42.3)

33 (37.1)

77 (46.1)

  1. Continuous variables are shown as mean (SD)
  2. ACE angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, FCM ferric carboxymaltose, Hb hemoglobin, TSAT transferrin saturation
  3. aIncludes patients receiving ACE inhibitor combinations
  4. bIncludes patients receiving angiotensin II antagonist combinations