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Table 3 Characteristics of studies reporting circuit life parameters associated with filter life

From: Non anti-coagulant factors associated with filter life in continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT): a systematic review and meta-analysis

Study Name




Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria



Martin et al., 1994 [95]

255 patients/1306 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Stratified anticoagulation and filter function



Polyacrylonitrile (AN69) Membrane

Polyamide (FH66) Membrane

Baldwin et al. 1996* [40]

12 patients/38 filters

Randomised Cross Over

Membrane Type Comparison



Hollow Fiber Membrane

Flat Plate Membrane

Baldwin et al. 1996 (2)* [55]

14 patients/54 filters

Randomised Cross Over

Regional anti-coagulation with one or two heparin sites



Single Site Heparin Delivery

Double Site Heparin Delivery

Leslie et al., 1996 [56]

18 patients/105

Randomised Cross Over

Compare circuit heparin delivery site in CVVHD


thrombocytopenia, anticoagulation indication, haemorrhage, coagulopathy

Access Line Heparin Delivery

Pre-Filter Heparin Delivery

Reeves et al. 1997 [58]

40 patients/91 filters

RCT - Unblinded

Circuit priming with heparin or albumin plus heparin on filter life

AKI requiring CRRT

Coagulopathy, DIC, HITS, albumin hypersensitivity

Albumin Prime

Saline Prime

Ramesh Prasad et al., 2000 [53]

34 patients/130 filters

RCT - Unblinded

Comparison of high blood flow with frequent saline flushes vs low blood flow and hourly flushes on filter life

Qb 200-250 ml/min & 30 min flush

Qb 125 ml/min & 60 min flush

Uchino et al., 2003 [96]

48 patients/309 filters

Prospective Observational

Pre vs Post Dilution CVVH on Filter Life

2/2001 to 7/2002. All CRRT surviving >24 hours

Pre-dilution CVVH

Post Dilution CVVH

Rickard et al. 2004 [59]

51 patients/60 filters

RCT - Unblinded

CRRT Fluid warmer or not on patient hypothermia

>18 yrs., baseline temperature 36–39.5 degrees C

malignant hyperthermia, other external warming/cooling, burns

Fluid Warmer

No Fluid Warmer

Egi et al., 2005 [97]

63 patients/246 filters

Prospective Observational

Filter patency differing blood flow, CVVH and citrate dose

CRRT requirement, short filter life with heparin, high risk bleeding

Hepatic failure/hepatitis

CVVH Qb:150 ml/min Citrate 14 mmol/L, iCa 1.0-1.2

CVVH Qb:200 ml/min Citrate 11 mmol/L, iCa 1.1-1.3

van der Voort et al., 2005 [49]

16 patients/32 Filters

Randomised Cross-Over

Pre vs Post Dilution CVVH on Filter Life

Mechanical ventilation, AKI, no prior CRRT

specific CVVH mode, active bleeding, planned surgery

CVVH Predilution

CVVH Post-Dilution

de Pont et al. 2006 [48]

8 patients/15 filters

Randomised Cross Over

Pre-dilution vs Post-dilution

CRRT indication

recent bleeding, time limits on last exposure to aspirin, UFH, LMWH, coagulopathy

CVVH Pre-dilution & Qb 140 ml/min

CVVH Post-Dilution & Qb 200 ml/min

Pichaiwong et al. 2006 [42]

17 patients/17 filters

Prospective Observational

Comparison of two haemofilters performance and biocompatibility



Cellulose Sureflex150E

Synthetic Polysulfone AV-400

Ricci et al., 2006 [47]

15 patients / 30 filters

Prospective Observational

Convective vs Diffusive Solute Clearance





Davies et al. 2008 [46]

31 patients/31 circuits

Randomised Cross Over

CRRT Mode Comparison

>18, CRRT

Contraindication to heparin, thrombocytopenia



Kim et al. 2010 [63]

30 patients/140 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Circuit clotting due to mechanical failure

CRRT with femoral access


Mechanical Failure

Non-Mechanical Failure

Nagarik et al., 2010 [61]

65 patients/65 filters

Prospective Observational

Comparing heparin with saline circuit flushes

AKI requiring CRRT


Saline Circuit Flushes

Heparin Infusion

Kim et al. 2011 [37]

50 patients/341 circuits

Prospective Observational

Insertion side, body position and circuit life

CRRT with femoral access




Nurmohamed et al., 2011 [98]

63 patients/243 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Predilution vs Postdilution CRRT

AKI requiring CRRT, 11/2004 to 12/2006

Single filter < 12 hours duration

CVVH Predilution

CVVH Post-dilution

Panphanphoet et al., 2011 [62]

121 patients/121 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Saline flush to prevent filter failure

AKI requiring CRRT 1/2004 to 12/2006

Saline Flushing

No Saline Flushing

Baldwin et al. 2012 [57]

38 patients/80 filters

Prospective Pre-Post Cohort

Horizontal vs Vertical Bubble Trap orientation



Horizontal Bubble Trap

Vertical Bubble Trap

Chua et al., 2012 [50]

71 patients/539 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Circuit Life in Hepatic Failure with AKI

Age > 18 years, Hepatic Failure, AKI, January 2006 to July 2011


Multivariate Analysis

Controlling for other variables

Eastwood et al., 2012 [54]

21 patients/41 filters

Prospective Observational

Haemodynamic impact of slower pump speed

Convenience sample, age > 18, CRRT requirement, weekdays only


Slow initial pump speed

Normal initial pump speed

Schetz et al. 2012 [43]

39 patients/151 filters

RCT - Blinded

AN69 ST (surface treated) Haemofilter vs non-ST Haemofilter

CRRT, 30 kg - 120 kg

HIT, pregnancy, indication for systemic anticoagulation, poor short term prognosis

AN69ST Membrane (Surface Treated)

AN69 Membrane

Hwang et al., 2013 [60]

222 patients/1236 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Nefamostat vs Heparin

CRRT treated patients 1/2004 to 12/2008

deceased within first filter use, paraquat poisoning

APTT (sec)

Controlling for other variables

Morabito et al., 2013 [99]

40 patients/240

Prospective Observational


CRRT > 72 hrs, AKI post cardiac surgery, 5/2012 to 12/2012

Contra-indication to citrate

CVVH Prismocitrate 10/2 + Prismasol

CVVHDF Prismocitrate 18 + Phoxilium

Mottes et al., 2013 [38]

80 patients/343 filters

Prospective Observational

Process Control Analysis through changing model of care and education

CRRT 7/2007 to 7/2010


ICU Nurse CRRT and simulation

Nephrology nurse run CRRT

Bonassin et al., 2014 [45]

53 patients/66 filters

Retrospective Cohort

Membrane Area/Size Comparison

Consecutive CRRT 11/2007 to 6/2009


Filter AV 1000S

Filter AV 600S

Dunn & Sriram, 2014 [23]

355 patients/1332

Prospective Observational

Patient and Treatment Variables on Filter Life

CRRT 1/2008 to 8/2011


Multivariate Analysis

Controlling for other variables

Fu et al., 2014 [41]

425 patients/unclear

Prospective Observational

Prognostic model of circuit life

1/2011 to 2/2013, CRRT, age > 18, CRRT > 24 hrs, available blood analysis

<72 hr post cardiac surgery, ECMO Rx

Multiple Regression


Page et al., 2014 [100]

152 patients/401 filters

Retrospective Cohort

System change with citrate, education

CRRT usage 1/2009 to 12/2012


Citrate + Education + Survival Plan + Lower Dose + CVVHD

Heparin + CVVH

Wang et al. 2014 [36]

34 patients/126 filters

Prospective Observational

Effect of mobilisation on filter life

CRRT, 8/2011 to 8/2012, temporary vascular access

permanent vascular access, SLED



Choi et al., 2015 [30]

60 patients/101 filters

RCT - Unblinded

Nafamostat vs No Anticoagulation

CRRT, High bleeding risk

Pregnancy, Allergy to nafamostat, Hypercoagulable states


No Anticoagulation

Yin et al. 2015 [44]

17 patients/68 filters

RCT - Blinded

Comparison of two haemofilter membranes

Age > 16 yrs., weight 30-120 kg


AN69 ST100

AN69 M100

Ede & Dale, 2016 [101]

78 patients/118 filters

Retrospective Pre-Post Cohort

CRRT Effectiveness and Circuit Life between CVVH and CVVHDF

All CRRT pre/post 9/2012, age > 18,