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Table 4 Multivariate adjustment for main effects of stroke on â–³HRV parameters in hemodialysis patients

From: Effects of stroke on changes in heart rate variability during hemodialysis

â–³HRV parameters

Parameter estimate (95% CI)


â–³VLF (ln ms2)

1.917 (0.463, 3.370)


â–³LF (ln ms2)

3.246 (1.291, 5.322)


â–³TP (ln ms2)

0.790 (0.009, 1.572)


â–³LF/HF ratio

0.513 (-0.140, 1.165)


  1. Values expressed as parameter estimates and 95% confidence interval (CI)
  2. Covariates in the multivariate model included age, sex, current smoking habits, a history of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and coronary artery disease, ultrafiltration percentage, cardiothoracic ratio > 0.5, log-transformed hs-CRP and use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers