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Table 1 Risk factors for lithium induced nephropathy and their proposed mechanisms

From: Lithium and nephrotoxicity: a literature review of approaches to clinical management and risk stratification

Risk Factor

Proposed Mechanism

Duration of lithium therapy

Prolonged lithium exposure leading to irreversible structural changes within the kidney parenchyma


Age related decline in eGFR, polypharmacy, medical comorbidity

Lower initial eGFR

Reduced nephron mass, background tubulointerstitial damage

Female gender

Unclear mechanism

Cumulative lithium dose

Prolonged lithium exposure leading to irreversible structural changes within the kidney parenchyma

Other concomitant CKD risks (hypertension, diabetes mellitus)

Concomitant tubulointerstitial damage, nephrosclerosis

Concomitant use of nephrotoxic medications

Disruption of tubulo-glomerular feedback, volume contraction, drug-interactions

Prior episodes of lithium toxicity

Higher lithium concentrations, induction of acute kidney injury with subsequent chronic damage


Volume contraction leading to elevated lithium concentrations, may be surrogate marker for morphological changes occurring within the kidney tubules