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Table 2 Cardiac dysfunction

From: A novel model of reno-cardiac syndrome in the C57BL/ 6 mouse strain







Ejection fraction, %

72.84 ± 1.425

65.14 ± 0.8203 ***

Fractional shortening, %

41.17 ± 1.092

35.41 ± 0.6011 ***

Fractional area change, %

49.82 ± 0.6524

42.80 ± 1.149 ***

LVID, mm

3.832 ± 0.1192

4.257 ± 0.04804 *

IVS, mm

0.9647 ± 0.08316

1.039 ± 0.04658

Heart/bodyweight ratio

0.004341 ± 0.0001352

0.006031 ± 0.0001553 ***

  1. Control group (n = 6) received standard chow for 20 weeks. Adenine treated group (n = 10) received standard chow with the addition of 0.15% adenine for 20 weeks. Echocardiography showed slight, but significant, reductions in percentage of ejection fraction, fractional shortening, and fractional area change (P < 0.0001). There was an increase in left ventricular dimensions (left ventricular internal diastolic dimension (LVID) and left ventricular end Diastolic volume; P < 0.05), and a significantly greater heart weight-to body weight ratio (P < 0.0001), mean ± SEM unpaired t- test
  2. ***P < 0.0001
  3. *P < 0.05