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Table 8 Summary of metabolic pathways for metabolites with significant changes in levels that associate with meprin β expression or deficiency and STZ-induced type 1 diabetes

From: Meprin β metalloproteases associated with differential metabolite profiles in the plasma and urine of mice with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy




Group 1: changed levels in plasma associate with meprin expression or deficiency

 Taurocholic acid

Increases in WT

Bile acids/lipid metabolism


Decreases in WT

Lipid metabolism

 Indoxyl sulfate

Increases in WT

oxidative stress

Group 2: 8 changes in urine associate with meprin β expression or deficiency

 Taurocholic acida

Increase in WT

Bile acids (lipid metabolism)


Increase in WT

Gut/dietary source (histidine metabolism)


Increase in WT

Protein degradation (aromatic amino acid metabolism)

 Prenyl glucoside

Decrease in WT

Gut/dietary (fatty acyl glucoside)

 Homovanillic acid sulfate

increase in WT

Catecholamine metabolism


Increase in WT

Steroid hormone synthesis/stress response

 Aromadendrin 3,7-diglucoside

Increase in WT

Gut/dietary (flavonoid)

 Phloretin 2′-O-glucuronidea

Increase in WT

Gut/dietary (flavonoid)

 3,5-Dihydroxy-3′,4′-dimethoxy-6,7- methylenedioxyflavone 3-glucuronide

Decrease in βKO


 Pantothenic acid

Decrease in βKO


 Indoxyl glucuronide

Decrease in βKO

Indole metabolism/gut microbiota

Group 3: changed levels in plasma associate with STZ-induced type 1 diabetes but independent of meprin β expression

 Hippuric acida

Increase at 4 and 8 weeks

Amino acid metabolism (phenylalanine polyphenol metabolism; uremia)

 Indole-3-carboxilic acid-O-sulphatea


Indole metabolism

 Fenoprofen glucuronidea


NSAID metabolite

Group 4: Changed levels in urine associate with STZ-induced type 1 diabetes but independent of meprin β expression



Lipid metabolism (choline metabolism; glycerophosphocholine)

 Nicotinic acid


Co-factor and vitamin (nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism)



Amino acid metabolism (arginine and proline metabolism)

 Indole-3-carboxylic acid


Gut/Dietary (indole metabolism)

 a-L-threo-4-Hex-4-enopyranuronosyl-D-galacturonic acid


Carbohydrate metabolism (glucuronic acid derivative)

  1. aVIP ≤ 2 but consistent significant increases at both 4 and 8 weeks post STZ