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Table 1 Clinical, psychological and environmental characteristics of adolescents

From: Quality of life in adolescents with chronic kidney disease who initiate haemodialysis treatment

N = 32

n (%)

Mean ± SD

Median [Q1; Q3]

1-Clinical characteristics

 Age (years)

13.9 ± 2.0



12 (37.5)


20 (62.5)

 Age at primary diagnosis (years)a3

5.8 [0.8; 10.8]

  0–5 years

16 (55.2)

  6–10 years

7 (24.1)

  11–17 years

6 (20.7)

 Age at CKD diagnosis (years)a1

8.1 [1.9; 13.1]

  0–5 years

11 (35.5)

  6–10 years

12 (38.7)

  11–17 years

8 (25.8)

 Delay between primary diagnosis and current HD

8.6 [2.0; 11.7]

 Primary diagnosis

  Congenital nephropathies


9 (28.1)

   Hereditary nephropathies

13 (40.6)

  Acquired nephropathies


5 (15.6)


3 (9.4)


2 (6.3)

 Medical history

  Renal transplantation and/or HD and/or PDb

8 (25)


24 (75)

 Vascular access of HD

  Arteriovenous fistula

14 (43.8)

  Central catheter

16 (50.0)

  Arteriovenous fistula and central catheter

2 (6.2)

 Number of weekly HD sessions

3.0 [3.0; 3.0]

 Duration of a HD session (hour)

4.0 [3.0; 4.0]

 Growth failure


9 (28,1)


23 (71.9)



23 (71,9)


9 (28.1)

 Number of comorbidities

3 [2.0; 3.7]


2 (6.3)


5 (15.6)

   ≥ 2

25 (78.1)

 Number of treatments

7.1 ± 1.1

2- Psychological characteristics



20 (80)

  Social withdrawala8

8 (33.3)

  Cognitive restructuringa9

19 (82.6)


7 (31.8)

  Blaming othersa11

3 (14.3)

  Problem solvinga8

14 (58.3)

  Emotional regulation -a9

10 (43.5)

  Emotional regulation +a9

15 (65.2)

  Wishful thinkinga9

14 (60.9)

  Social support a9

18 (78.3)


21 (91.3)

c Active coping strategiesa7

  Utilization strategy


24 (96)

3.3 [2.0; 5.7]

d Avoidant coping strategiesa7

  Utilization strategy


24 (96)

3.3 [2.5; 6.2]

e Negative coping strategiesa10

  Utilization strategy Score

8 (36.4)

0.0 [0.0; 3.3]

3-Environmental characteristics

 Age of parents (years)a7

46.5 ± 7.3

 Family structurea7

  Not separated parents

13 (52)

  Separated parents

12 (48)



22 (91,7)


2 (8.3)

 Place of residencea8


12 (50)


12 (50)

 Time between home and HD (minutes)a9

60.0 [15–180]

   < 20 min

3 (13)

  20 to 60 min

13 (56.5)

   > 60 min

7 (30.4)

 Parental employmenta7


19 (76)


6 (24)

 Financial situationa7


13 (52)

  Not difficulty

12 (48)

 Adolescent’s schoolinga7


21 (84)


4 (16)

  1. aNumber of missing data
  2. b5 adolescents had kidney transplantation and 3 had peritoneal dialysis
  3. c = Problem solving + emotional regulation + social support + cognitive restructuring
  4. d = Distraction + social withdrawal + wishful thinking + resignation
  5. e = Self-criticism + blaming others
  6. SD standard deviation, CKD chronic kidney disease, CAKUT congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, HD haemodialysis, PD peritoneal dialysis