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Table 1 Basic Demographic features and laboratory values of the study population

From: Factors influencing survival time of hemodialysis patients; time to event analysis using parametric models: a cohort study

Demographic features

 Male sex (%)

250 (58.4)

 Age (year)

60.0 (16.0)

 BMI (kg/m2)

23.0 (4.6)

Laboratory Values

 WBC (103/micl)

7.5 (4.5)

 RBC (106/micl)

3.8 (0.7)

 Hemoglobin (g/dl)

10.2 (2.0)

 HCT (%)

32.5 (5.0)

 MCV (fl)

86.0 (7.5)

 MCH (pg/cell)

27.0 (3.0)

 MCHC (g/dl)

31.0 (2.0)

 FBS (mg/dl)

131.0 (68.0)

 Pre-dialysis BUN (mg/dl(

54.2 (18.0)

 Post-dialysis BUN (mg/dl)

19.0 (8.0)

 Pre-dialysis serum creatinine (mg/dl)

6.6 (3.0)

 Post-dialysis serum creatinine (mg/dl)

2.9 (1.5)

 Sodium (meq/lit)

139.5 (5.0)

 Potassium (meq/lit)

5.0 (0.8)

 Calcium (mg/dl)

8.7 (1.0)

 Phosphate (mg/dl)

5.0 (1.5)

 Uric acid (mg/dl)

6.6 (1.7)

 PTH (pg/ml)

270.7 (237.0)


313.0 (186.0)

 Total protein (mg/dl)

6.8 (0.8)

 Albumin (g/dl)

3.8 (0.6)

 Triglyceride (mg/dl)

127.0 (58.0)

 Cholesterol (mg/dl)

153.0 (41.0)

 LDL (mg/dl)

87.0 (30.5)

 HDL (mg/dl)

37.7 (10.0)

 Ferritin (μg/L)

319.0 (272.0)

 Iron (μg/dl)

71.3 (53.5)

 TIBC (μg/dl)

288.0 (94.0)

 Transferrin Saturation (%)

25.0 (16.0)

Dialysis session indices

 Pre-dialysis weight (Kg)

64.0 (13.7)

 Post-dialysis weight (Kg)

62.0 (13.5)

 Pre-dialysis SBP (mmHg)

128.3 (19.2)

 Pre-dialysis DBP (mmHg)

77.1 (10.1)

 Pulse rate (per minute)

78.0 (6.0)


1.3 (0.3)

 Average time of dialysis per week(min)

483.0 (177.0)

 Ultrafiltration volume(ml)

2100.0 (1000.0)

  1. Abbreviations: ALKPH alkaline phosphatase, BMI body mass index, FBS fasting blood sugar, HCT hematocrit, HDL high-density lipoprotein, Kt/V_urea adequacy of dialysis, LDL low-density lipoprotein, MCH mean cell hemoglobin concentration, MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, MCV mean cell volume, PTH parathyroid hormone, RBC red blood cell, TIBC total iron binding capacity, UF ultrafiltration volume, WBC white blood cell