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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and laboratory values of patients on hemodialysis

From: Survival and analysis of predictors of mortality in patients undergoing replacement renal therapy: a 20-year cohort

Baseline characteristics of the patients

Number of patient (%)

Age in years (mean ± SD)

64,02 (15,21)

Age (year)

  < 60

132 (31,3)


90 (21,3)


101 (23,9)

  ≥ 80

55 (13,0)

Demographic features



223 (52,8)


199 (47,2)



207 (49,1)


78 (18,5)


88 (20,9)



127 (30,1)

  From home

85 (20,1)

  Formal work

58 (13,7)

  Informal work

29 (6,9)

  Rural worker

54 (12,8)


7 (1,7)

Civil status


211 (50,0)


57 (13,5)


85 (20,1)


20 (4,7)

Primary causes of end-stage renal disease

  Glomerular Disorder in Diabetes Mellitus

98 (23,2)

  Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis

8 (1,9)

  Hypertensive kidney disease with CKD

141 (33,4)


42 (10,0)

Dialysis session indices

  Kt/v (urea) (mean ± SD)

1,67 (4,24)

  0 a 1,19

139 (32,9)

   ≥ 1,20

237 (56,2)

  Time of hemodialysis (months)(mean ± SD)

52,06 (49,91)

  GFR (mean ± SD)

10,13 (6,82)

Laboratory Values (mean ± SD)

  Post urea (mg/dl)

41,90 (25,20)

  Creatinine (mg/dl)

6,47 (3,10)

  Calcium (mg/dl)

8,75 (1,57)

  Phosphorus (meq/lit)

5,01 (1,86)

  Glucose (mg/dl)

124,46 (59,06)

  Potassium (meq/lit)

4,83 (0,96)

  Red blood cell (g/dl)

100, 22 (151,03)

  Hemoglobin (g/dl)

8,97 (1,73)

  Hematocrit (%)

27,79 (5,08)

  Leukocyte (μg/l)

9,30 (41,47)

  Albumin (g/dl)

3,88 (3,18)

  Transferrin Saturation (%)

30, 61 (23,66)

  Ferritin (μg/l)

480,26 (644,41)

  Serum iron (μg/l)

70,00 (43,29)

  Alkaline phosphatase (U/l)

205,61 (156,19)

  Proteins (mg/dl)

7,38 (11,38)

  Globulin (g/dl)

4,10 (19,99)

  PTH (pg/ml)

233,76 (290,51)

  Aluminum (μg/l)

11,75 (15,70)

  Cholesterol (mg/dl)

165,72 (42,25)

  Triglyceride (mg/dl)

163,86 (107,84)


65,83 (12,06)

  nPCR (mg/dl)

1,55 (5,13)

  Calcium x Phosphorus (mg/dl)

46,21 (49,15)

  Pre urea (mg/dl)

116,69 (42,66)

  1. Abbreviations: CKD chronic kidney disease, SD standard deviation, PTH parathyroid hormone, nPCR normalized catabolic protein rate, PRU rheumatological profile