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Table 1 Characteristics of incident HD patients

From: Impacts of dialysis adequacy and intradialytic hypotension on changes in dialysis recovery time



Mean (SD) or N (%)


 Patient (n)

98,616 (100%)

 Age (years)

62.6 (14.4)

 Male (%)

56,991 (57.8%)

 Race white (%)

58,528 (69.1%)

 Non-Hispanic ethnicity (%)

72,293 (87.6%)

 BMI (kg/m2)

29.4 (9.2)

 Days from FDD to survey

112 (26)


11,643 (15.3%)


 Number of comorbidities (n)

1.92 (1.49)

 Diabetes (%)

34,325 (34.8%)

 Ischemic Heart Disease (%)

14,560 (14.8%)

 Congestive Heart Failure (%)

16,377 (16.6%)

Treatment Parameters:

 HD start before 1200 h (%)

65,876 (66.8%)

 UFV (L)

2.16 (0.92)

 Normalized UFV by body weight (nUFVbw) (mL/kg)

26.6 (10.8)

 UFR (mL/hour/kg)

7.06 (2.92)

 HD treatment time (hours)

3.82 (0.44)

 Number of treatments ±30 days of DRT survey (n)

24.55 (3.92)

Clinical Parameters:

 Catheter (%)

62,220 (64.7%)

 Pre-HD weight (kg)

85.5 (23.7)

 Post-HD weight (kg)

83.3 (23.3)

 IDWG (kg)

2.21 (0.93)

 Treatments with IDH episodes (SBP < 100) per month (n)

3.01 (3.32)


 Pre-HD BUN (mg/dL)

53.9 (16.6)

 Post-HD BUN (mg/dL)

14.1 (5.7)


1.624 (0.318)

 Albumin (g/dL)

3.67 (0.42)

 Sodium (mmol/L)

137.9 (3.1)

 Potassium (mmoI/L)

4.54 (0.55)

 Glucose (mg/dL)

183.5 (88.0)

 Calcium (mg/dL)

8.95 (0.60)

 Phosphate (mg/dL)

5.21 (1.32)

 iPTH (pg/mL)

386.5 (287.7)

 Hemoglobin (g/dL)

10.83 (0.99)

 White blood cells (109/L)

7.18 (2.51)

 Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio

4.21 (3.16)

  1. HD hemodialysis, DRT dialysis recovery time, BMI Body mass index, FDD First date of dialysis, UFV Ultrafiltration volume, UFR Ultrafiltration rate, IDWG Intradialytic weight gain, IDH intradialytic hypotension, BUN Blood urea nitrogen, iPTH Intact parathyroid hormone