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Table 1 Eligibility for Participants (inclusion and exclusion criteria)

From: Peer mentorship to improve outcomes in patients on hemodialysis (PEER-HD): a randomized controlled trial protocol


Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Age > 21 years

Cognitive or psychiatric illness precluding participation as determined by dialysis physician

1) Receives in-center hemodialysis for ESRD for at least 1 year at one of the participating dialysis facilities;

2) No hospitalizations in previous 6 months;,and

3) No unexcused absence or shortening of dialysis treatments in the past 6 months; and

4) use of AVF/G access, and

5) serum albumin > 3.5 mg/dLin the month prior to enrollment

Less than a 6-month life expectancy

Willing to give informed consent for 24 months of training and intervention delivery

Active substance use, excluding cannabinoids

Speak Spanish or English

Enrolled in another Peer Support or Educational Study

Patient Participants

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Age > 21 years

Cognitive or psychiatric illness precluding participation as determined by dialysis physician

1) One or more hospitalizations or ED visits in the previous month or 2) > 1 unexcused, missed treatment or 2 shortened dialysis treatments (by greater than 10 mins) in the last month, or 3) use of catheter as only access or 4) > 4% IDWG per week at least once in the last month or 5) serum albumin less than 3.5 mg/dL in the last month or 6) initiated dialysis in past 90 days

Less than a 6-month life expectancy

Will to give informed consent to 1) randomization and 2) telephone intervention

Active substance use, excluding cannabinoids

Speak Spanish or English

Enrolled in another Peer Support or Educational Study