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Table 2 Physical functioning characterization of hemodialysis patients

From: Determining factors of functioning in hemodialysis patients using the international classification of functioning, disability and health

Sample characteristics

Mean (95% CI)

Human Activity Profile (points)

44.37 (39.60–49.13)

Body structure and function

 HS (kg)

33.42 (31.02–35.83)

 5-STS (s)

14.25 (12.84–15.66)

 60-STS (repetitions)

18.96 (17.05–12. 87)


 SPPB (points)

8.91 (8.32–9.50)

Social participation

 Participation scale (points)

10.12 (7.86–12.39)

  1. Data presented as mean and 95% CI or absolute number and percentage. Abbreviations % percentage, CI confidence interval, HS handgrip strength, 5-STS the 5 repetition sit-to-stand test, 60-STS the 60 s sit-to-stand test, SPPB Short Physical Performance Battery