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Table 3 Referral practices by non-dietetic health professionals to dietetic services for patients with CKD Stage 3

From: Diet in the management of non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease: perceptions and practices of health professionals


n (%)


n (%)

How often do you refer patients to a renal dietitian in CKD Stage 3 (n = 111)

Reasons for referring patients to a dietitian (n = 104)


12 (11)

 Patients not adhering to advice

26 (25)

 0–25% of the time

46 (41)

 Patient request

60 (58)

 26–50% of the time

21 (19)

 Reduce risk of CKD progression

66 (63)

 51–75% of the time

9 (8)

 Treat malnutrition

45 (43)

 76–99% of the time

2 (2)

 Oral nutrition support

51 (49)

 I refer all patients

21 (19)

 Manage fluid overload

36 (35)

How often do patients initiate a referral to a renal dietitian? (n = 144)

 Electrolyte/weight management education

11 (11)


20 (14)

Factors perceived to enhance referrals to renal dietitians (n = 110)


93 (64)

 Dedicated dietitian

74 (67)

 Half the time

21 (15)

 Evidence of positive clinical outcomes from DI

62 (58)

 Most of the time

9 (6)

 Dietitian's skills and experience

56 (51)


1 (1)

 Hearing positive feedback from patients

55 (50)

What is your preference for who provides dietary advice? (n = 111)

 Patient interest

64 (58)


4 (4)

 Shorter waiting times to see dietitian

51 (46)

 Renal Dietitian

98 (88)

Suggestions for improvements to provision of renal dietetic advice (n = 109)

 Renal Nurse


 Additional training (renal dietary information, counselling skills)

50 (46)

 Any renal team member

9 (8)

 Better written resources

70 (64)

Reasons for not referring patients (n = 107)

 All patients to be referred to dietitian once diagnosed with CKD

61 (56)

 I can give advice

13 (12)

 Better service provision (frequent appointments, more dietitians)

60 (55)

 Patient declined referral

66 (62)

Would you refer patients to a renal dietitian from CKD Stage 3 if the service was available? (n = 111)

 Visit burden for patients

35 (33)


93 (84)

 Do not think patients will adhere to advice

9 (8)


3 (3)

 Significant waiting times to see dietitian

36 (34)


15 (14)

 Poor service provision

9 (8)


 Not enough evidence that diet works in CKD

12 (11)



12 (11)

  1. DI dietetic intervention. Some variables may have missing data and not add up to the total participant response rate. Respondents could select more than one response except for two questions: (1) how often they refer patients with CKD Stage 3 to a dietitian? and (2) how often patients initiate a referral to a dietitian?
  2. aData is presented as count (percentage).