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Fig. 1 | BMC Nephrology

Fig. 1

From: The role of subjective cognitive complaints in self-management among haemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study

Fig. 1

A A mediation model where subjective cognitive complaints are indirectly associated with medication adherence through treatment self-efficacy. B A mediation model where subjective cognitive complaints are indirectly associated with adherence to other treatment aspects (Renal Adherence Behaviour Questionnaire total score) through treatment self-efficacy. Path a, association between cognitive complaints and self-efficacy. Path b, association between self-efficacy and treatment adherence. Path c’, association between cognitive complaints and medication adherence, controlling for the indirect effect. Path ab, the index of the indirect effect. The 95% CI for the indirect paths did not include 0, suggesting that the mediation is significantly different from 0. Solid arrows indicate significant paths. Dashed arrows indicate non-significant paths. Path values represent unstandardised coefficients (standard errors) and 95% CIs

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