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Table 3 Effects of Imatinib on tubulointerstitial mRNA expressions of PDGF signal transduction 20 weeks after induction of chronic anti-thy1 glomerulosclerosis (cGS)

From: Tyrosine kinases inhibition by Imatinib slows progression in chronic anti-thy1 glomerulosclerosis of the rat


PDGF-A (%)

PDGF-B (%)

PDGF-C (%)

PDGF-D (%)

PDGF-α (%)


2-K Control

98 ± 22

111 ± 56

101 ± 50

126 ± 42

106 ± 42

118 ± 74

1-K Control

90 ± 4

114 ± 50

89 ± 18

102 ± 50

91 ± 66

75 ± 22


306 ± 318*

263 ± 172*

83 ± 66

265 ± 186*

383 ± 222**

307 ± 179**

cGS + Imatinib

172 ± 56**

224 ± 96*

84 ± 23

261 ± 126**

355 ± 186**

305 ± 156**

  1. Shown are tubulointerstitial mRNA expressions of PDGF-A, -B, -C, -D and receptor-alpha and –beta. Administration of Imatinib was started 7 days after injection of anti-thy1 antibody into uni-nephrectomized rats (cGS + Imatinib). Nonnephritic animals with (1-K Control) and without uninephrectomy (2-K Control) received an injection with similar volumes of PBS. mRNA was analyzed by a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as housekeeping gene. (**p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05 vs. Controls).