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Table 4 Estimated annual UK hospital care costs of chronic kidney disease patients by stage of chronic kidney disease and presence of cardiovascular complications

From: What is the impact of chronic kidney disease stage and cardiovascular disease on the annual cost of hospital care in moderate-to-severe kidney disease?

Annual hospital care costs (£, 95% CI) in the absence of diabetes and cardiovascular complications

In CKD stage 1-3B1

£403 (345–462)

In CKD stage 4

£393 (343–444)

In CKD stage 5

£525 (449–602)

On functioning kidney transplant from the current annual period

£24,602 (24,027-25,178)

On functioning kidney transplant from an earlier annual period

£1,148 (978–1,318)

On maintenance dialysis initiated in the current annual period2

£18,986 (18,620-19,352)

On maintenance dialysis initiated in an earlier annual period2

£23,326 (23,231-23,421)

Additional annual hospital care costs associated with diabetes, cardiovascular complications and death (£, 95% CI)

With prior diabetes3

£171 (54–288)

Died from vascular cause in the current annual period

£1,137 (469–1,804)

Died from non-vascular cause in the current annual period

£1,391 (1,020-1,763)

Experienced non-fatal MVE during the current annual period, not on maintenance dialysis

£4,350 (3,819-4,880)

Experienced non-fatal MVE during the current annual period; on maintenance dialysis

£6,133 (5,608-6,658)

Latest non-fatal MVE experienced in the preceding annual period

£738 (351–1,126)

Other vascular disease (defined as with vascular disease at baseline or experienced latest non-fatal MVE two or more years previously)

£172 (57–286)

  1. CKD = chronic kidney disease; MVE = major vascular events; CI = confidence interval.
  2. 1Predominantly CKD stage 3B (eGFR ≥30 to <45 ml/min/1.73m2).
  3. 2Annual costs associated with maintenance dialysis are reduced by £8,802 (8,172-9,432) in years of death.
  4. 3Defined at baseline.