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Table 2 Comparison of kidney growth and function between SGA and AGA neonates

From: Are low birth weight neonates at risk for suboptimal renal growth and function during infancy?




Combined renal volume (cm3)


13.25 ± 3.54 (n = 58)

18.14 ± 5.31* (n = 106)

6 months

30.11 ± 7.92 (37)

35.19 ± 9.93* (61)

18- 24 months

45.58 ± 13.16 (24)

57.83 ± 16.07* (40)

Cystatin GFR (ml/m2/min)


50.21 ± 6.73 (55)

78.39 ± 30.27* (75)

6 months

62.96 ± 12.63 (38)

71.67 ± 14.97 *(58)

18- 24 months

77.58 ± 16.24 (21)

79.47 ± 19.39 (*33)

Micro albuminuria (mg/L)†

6 months

12.84 ± 10.35 (37)

12.73 ± 10.80 (55)

18- 24 months

12.56 ± 6.03 (21)

9.29 ± 5.24 (36)

  1. Reported as mean ± SD; *p < 0.05, using an independent t test between SGA and AGA groups
  2. † − comparison of microalbuminuria was done using Mann–Whitney U test