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Figure 3 | BMC Nephrology

Figure 3

From: Cyst formation in the PKD2 (1-703) transgenic rat precedes deregulation of proliferation-related pathways

Figure 3

Volcano plots of cell cycle and proliferation-related genes. Volcano plots of cell cycle and proliferation-related genes analysed by microarray experiments of whole kidney homogenates of PKD2 (1-703) rats (Mut) compared to Wild type SD rats (SD) in the time points of 0 days (A), 6 days (B) and 24 days (C). Each data point represents a different gene. Data points to the right of the Y-axis denote up-regulation of the gene, whereas data points to the left of the Y-axis denote down-regulation. Some of the significantly deregulated genes' names are shown. The dotted red line represents the threshold of the p-value: 10-5.83 (Bonferroni correction).

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