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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the patients

From: Should we adjust erythropoiesis-stimulating agent dosage to postdialysis hemoglobin levels? A pilot study


65 ± 13(range 31–85)

Sex (male) —no. (%)

43 (64)

Diabetes —no. (%)

29 (43.2)

Underlying disease —no. (%)


- Diabetic nephropathy

29 (43.2)

- Nephroangiosclerosis

15 (22.38)

- Glomerulonephritis

6 (8.95)

- Policystic kidney disease

8 (11.94)

- Other

9 (13.53)

Charlson Comorbidity Index

6.08 ± 2.18

Time of dialysis (minutes)

237 ± 19.58


1.28 ± 0.22

Ultrafiltration (ml/kg/h)

8.03 ± 2.98 (range 1.51-16.27)

EPO dose per week (U)

8,059 ± 7,712

EPO dose per Kg and week (U)

118 ± 120.24

Type of EPO—no. (%)


- darbepoetin α

11 (16.4)

- epoetin α

16 (23.8)

- epoetin β

34 (50.7)

- without EPO

6 (9)