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Table 4 Lipid and BP treatment and control rates in US adults ≥20 years of age with CKD Stage 1–4* and concomitant CVD or diabetes based on 2001–2010 NHANES participants

From: Evaluation of cardiovascular disease burden and therapeutic goal attainment in US adults with chronic kidney disease: an analysis of national health and nutritional examination survey data, 2001–2010


With CKD Stage 1–4* and:


Cardiovascular Disease†





Lipid treatment and control (%)§



50.7 (2.3)

44.6 (2.7)

  LDL-C <100 mg/dL

52.8 (2.3)

51.2 (2.5)

  LDL-C <70 mg/dL

21.9 (2.0)

17.5 (2.3)

BP treatment and control (%)§



72.7 (2.6)

69.9 (2.6)

  BP ≤130/80 mmHg

46.3 (2.7)

40.8 (2.9)

  1. Values are weighted estimates presented as percent (standard error). Estimates were standardized to the July 2008 US census population ≥20 years of age.
  2. *CKD Stage 1–4 was identified by the presence of kidney damage (based on albuminuria) and level of decline in kidney function (based on eGFR), and staged using modified National Kidney Foundation criteria (see Methods).
  3. †Cardiovascular disease was a composite of self-reported CHD, stroke or CHF.
  4. ‡Diabetes was identified by self-report, self-reported use of insulin or oral medications for diabetes, or fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL.
  5. §All drug utilization was self-reported.
  6. ║Any lipid-lowering agents including statins, fibric acid derivatives, bile acid sequestrants, cholesterol absorption inhibitors and other antihyperlipidemic agents.
  7. ¶Any antihypertensive agents including β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and other BP-lowering agents.