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Table 2 Statements that describe readiness (Stage of Change) for deceased donor and living donor kidney transplant

From: Protocol of a cluster randomized trial of an educational intervention to increase knowledge of living donor kidney transplant among potential transplant candidates

Stage of Change

Readiness for deceased donor kidney transplant

Readiness for live donor kidney transplant


“I am NOT considering in the next 6 months getting a deceased donor transplant”

“I am NOT considering in the next 6 months getting a living donor transplant”


“I am considering taking actions in the next 6 months to get a deceased donor transplant”

“I am considering taking actions in the next 6 months to get a living donor transplant”


“I am preparing to take actions in the next 30 days to get a deceased donor transplant”

“I am preparing to take actions in the next 30 days to get a living donor transplant”


“I am undergoing transplant evaluation to get a deceased donor transplant”

“I am taking actions to get a living donor transplant”


“I am listed and waiting to get a deceased donor transplant”
