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Table 3 Interview guide for qualitative interviews with renal physicians/clinical nurse specialists

From: PAlliative Care in chronic Kidney diSease: the PACKS study—quality of life, decision making, costs and impact on carers in people managed without dialysis

Do you feel your patients know what treatment options are available to them?

Do you think they know the benefits of each option?

Do you think they know the risks and side effects of each option?

Do you think they are clear about which benefits matter most to them?

Do you think they are clear about which risks and side effects matter most to them?

Do you think they are clear about which is more important to them (the benefits or the risks and side effects).

Do you think they have enough support from others to make a choice?

Do you think they choose without pressure from others?

Do you think they have enough advice to make a choice?

Do you think they are clear about the best choice for them?

Do you think they feel sure about what to choose?

Do you think the decision is easy for them to make.

Do you think they feel they make an informed choice?

Do you think their decision shows what is important to them?

Do you expect them to stick with their decision?

Do you think they are satisfied with their decision?

What guidelines/decision tools do you use with your patients when helping them make treatment decisions?