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Table 5 Significant results of bivariate correlation analysis of antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress biomarkers pre-dialysis levels at the end of run-in and after a six-months treatment period in HFR-S or HFR

From: Vitamins (A, C and E) and oxidative status of hemodialysis patients treated with HFR and HFR-Supra


End of run-in

End of HFR-S

End of HFR

Vitamin C vs age

−0.626*** (31)

−0.543** (30)

−0.553** (30)

Vitamin C vs Vitamin A

0.476** (31)

0.529** (30)

0.510** (30)

Vitamin A vs RBP

0.841*** (32)

0.613*** (31)

0.616*** (30)

Vitamin E vs total lipids

0.689*** (31)

0.642*** (27)

0.639*** (27)

  1. Analysed parameters included: age, dialysis vintage, Vit C, Vit A, Vit E, RBP, total lipids, Vit A/RBP, Vit E/total lipids, AOPP, TAS. All patients that completed at least the first treatment period were included in the analysis
  2. Data are expressed as rs (n), Spearman correlation test
  3. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001