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Table 2 Renal replacement therapy delivery parameters in non-tunneled versus tunneled dialysis catheters used for AKI requiring renal replacement therapy

From: Non-tunneled versus tunneled dialysis catheters for acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy: a prospective cohort study


Adjusted analysesb

RRT Delivery Parameter

NTDC (n = 140)a

TDC (n = 80)a



 Blood flow ml/min, mean ± SE

242.8 ± 4.9

246.3 ± 6.2


 Median venous access pressure, mean ± SE

87.9 ± 7.4

121.1 ± 9.7


 Median arterial access pressure, mean ± SE

58.3 ± 6.4

80.3 ± 8.2


 Hours of CVVH, mean ± SE

17.8 ± 1.2

17.9 ± 1.5


 BUN, mean ± SE

59.8 ± 9.5

58.6 ± 11.0


 Rate Ratio of interruptions per catheterc

2.7 (1.7–4.3)

1 (ref)



 Blood flow ml/min, mean ± SE

319.0 ± 12.8

368.2 ± 13.0


 Median venous pressure, mean ± SE

84.6 ± 8.9

145.1 ± 9.1


 Median arterial pressure, mean ± SE

108.3 ± 10.5

179.3 ± 10.7


  1. BUN Blood urea nitrogen; CVVH Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; IHD Intermittent hemodialysis; NTDC Non-tunneled dialysis catheter; RRT Renal replacement therapy; SE Standard error; TDC Tunneled dialysis catheter
  2. aNumber of catheters
  3. bAdjusted for ATN risk score, history of chronic kidney disease, renal team and AKI cause (ATN vs others)
  4. cFrom mixed effect models