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Table 3 CPP levels in study cohort and control dialysis group

From: Longitudinal changes in bone and mineral metabolism after cessation of cinacalcet in dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism


Cinacalcet withdrawal patients (n = 47)

Transplanted patients (n = 6)

Patients re-started on cinacalcet (n = 5)

P values

Total CPP baseline

3.26 × 104 [1.49 × 104–5.73 × 104]

1.62 × 104 [8.85E + 03–7.11 × 104]

3.12 × 104 [1.95 × 104−6.12 × 104]

P = 0.31

Total CPP 1 month

3.36 × 104 [2.38 × 104–5.70 × 104]

1.59 × 104 [1.18 × 104–2.69 × 104]

5.15 × 104 [2.86 × 104–1.47 × 105]

P = 0.28

Total CPP 6 months

3.88 × 104 [1.74 × 104–6.44 × 104]

1.84 × 104 [1.08 × 104–1.18 × 105]

7.78 × 104 [2.17 × 104–1.65 × 105]

P = 0.27

Total CPP 12 months

4.28 × 104 [2.37 × 104–6.28 × 104]

2.02 × 104 [1.15 × 104–1.83 × 105]

4 × 104 [1.98 × 104–1.42 × 105]

P = 0.21

CPP-I baseline

9.18 × 103 [4.01 × 103–1.87 × 104]

7.06 × 103 [4.57 × 103–2.065 × 104]

1.81 × 104 [5.1 × 103–4.15 × 104]

P = 0.52

CPP-I 1 month

1.64 × 104 [7.08 × 103–2.91 × 104]

6.03 × 103 [2.92 × 103–4.53 × 104]

4.39 × 104 [1.63 × 104–7.6 × 104]

P = 0.11

CPP-I 6 months

1.25 × 104 [6.8 × 103–2.73 × 104]

8.97 × 103 [6.65 × 103–2.82 × 104]

2.78 × 104 [1.28 × 104–5.04 × 104]

P = 0.53

CPP-I 12 months

1.41 × 104 [× 103–2.42 × 104]

1.17 × 104 [5.38 × 103–7.04 × 104]

1.47 × 104 [1.26 × 103–8.92 × 104]

P = 0.14

CPP-II 0 months

1.81 × 104 [5.78 × 103–3.92 × 104]

9.17 × 103 [3.98 × 103–5.07 × 104]

9.37 × 103 [7 × 103–2.54 × 104]

P = 0.45

CPP-II 1 month

2.02 × 104 [7.5 × 103–2.8 × 104]

1.21 × 104 [5.51 × 103–2.25 × 104]

1.23 × 104 [7.67 × 103–7.14 × 104]

P = 0.81

CPP-II 6 months

1.63 × 104 [8.27 × 103–3.63 × 104]

9.4 × 103 [4.11 × 103–8.93 × 104]

1.49 × 104 [3.7 × 103–8.94 × 103]

P = 0.74

CPP-II 12 months

2.57 × 104 [1.02 × 104–4.39 × 104]

8.5 × 103 [6.11 × 103–1.12 × 105]

1.36 × 104 [9.94 × 103–9.31 × 104]

P = 0.36

  1. Data presented as median [interquartile range]
  2. Abbreviations: CPP calciprotein particles, CPP-I primary calciprotein particles, CPP-II secondary calciprotein particles