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Table 11 Recommendations for future guidelines on CKD

From: Diagnosis and management of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease in ambulatory care: a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines


Recommendations should specify how to consider age, multimorbidity, risk of progression, life expectancy, health goals and quality of life.


Recommendations on referral should distinguish between interdisciplinary or co-treatment and one-time consultations for specific problems or to rule out specific kidney diseases.


Guidelines should be comprehensive and include management recommendations for common CKD-related problems usually solved in primary care.


All relevant options including the option of abstaining from diagnosis or therapy should be incorporated in the guideline.


Increase involvement of stakeholders and target users, particularly non-nephrologists in the development process.


Implications for cost and resources in the healthcare system should be considered when formulating recommendations.


Facilitators and barriers to implementation and adoption of the guideline in clinical practice should be identified and analyzed and the results should be incorporated during the guideline development process.


A procedure and timeframe for updating the guideline should be specified.

  1. CKD chronic kidney disease