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Table 4 Cognitive function of cerebrovascular disease, cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage;median (25th–75th percentile)

From: Serum klotho: a potential predictor of cerebrovascular disease in hemodialysis patients


Cerebrovascular disease n = 28

Cerebral infarction n = 23

Cerebral hemorrhage n = 5

MMSE (total score)

20.05 (10.00–27.00)

17.00 (9.00–27.00)

21.00 (17.00–25.00)

HVLT-R (Immediate, words)

3.00 (1.00–5.00)

3.35 (2.00–5.00)

1.40 (0.00–3.00)

HVLT-R (Delayed, words)

2.43 (1.25–4.00)

2.48 (1.00–4.00)

2.20 (2.00–2.50)

BVMT-R (Immediate, figures)

1.75 (0.00–3.00)

1.87 (0.00–3.00)

1.20 (0.00–3.00)

VFT (animal, words)

3.79 (2.25–5.00)

4.16 (3.00–6.00)

2.40 (0.50–4.00)

Trail A (time, s)

207.35 (98.25–237.50)

186.20 (98.00–190.00)

270.8 (159.50–417.50)

  1. MMSE mini-mental state examination, HVLT-R Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, BVMT-R Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, VFT Verbal Fluency Test