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Table 1 Characteristics of interview patients

From: A need-based approach to self-management education for adults with co-morbid diabetes and chronic kidney disease


N = 42

Age, mean (SD)

64.8 (11.1)

Male, %

28 (66.7)

Country of birth, N (%)


17 (40.5)


1 (2.4)


2 (4.8)


2 (4.8)


3 (7.1)


1 (2.4)


4 (9.5)


1 (2.4)

 New Zealand

2 (4.8)


3 (7.1)


1 (2.4)

 Sri Lanka

3 (7.1)


1 (2.4)


1 (2.4)

Type of diabetes, N (%)

 Type 1

2 (4.8)

 Type 2

40 (95.2)

Diabetes duration (years), mean (SD)

18.0 (9.2)

Stage of kidney disease


10 (23.8)


15 (35.7)


9 (21.4)

 5 (not on dialysis)

1 (2.4)

 5 (on hemodialysis)

7 (16.7)

  1. N = number of patients, SD = standard deviation