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Table 2 The definition of TCBSI is specified according to K/DOQI 2006 clinical practice guidelines for vascular access57 which distinguishes between definitive and probable TCBSI

From: Evaluation of the efficacy of an interdialytic “ethanol 40% v/v - enoxaparin 1000 U/mL” lock solution to prevent tunnelled catheter infections in chronic hemodialysis patients: a multi-centre, randomized, single blind, parallel group study

Definitive TC- related bloodstream infection

Probable TC-related bloodstream infection

At least one positive blood culture drawn from a peripheral vein or the arterial line up to 48 h after TC removal if performed

And at least one of the following criteria:

Positive quantitative broth culture of TC tip (Brun Buisson technique) > 102 UFC/mL with the same microorganism


Positive culture of the exit-site discharge with the same microorganism


Positive blood culture drawn from one of the lumen of the TC following aspiration of the lock with the same microorganism and with a concentration ratio > 3 or a differential time to positivity > 2 h in relation to the blood culture sampled from the peripheral vein


Resolution of signs of infection within 48 h following TC removal with no other apparent source of sepsis other than the TC

At least one positive blood culture drawn from a peripheral vein or the arterial line for a pathogenic microorganism (S. aureus, enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas sp., Candida sp.)


At least two positive blood cultures from a peripheral vein or the arterial line


At least one positive blood culture from a peripheral vein or the arterial line in an immunocompromised patient

Up to 48 h after TC removal if performed

No other apparent source of sepsis other than the TC