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Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the study cohort (per patient, total no = 404)

From: A prospective study of clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute kidney injury in a tertiary care Centre


Mean (SD)


65.8 (14.1)


24.7 (5.3)

Baseline creatinine

150 μmol/L (71)

Baseline eGFR

50.2 mL/min (27.7)

Creatinine at AKI diagnosis

297.5 μmol/L (160.7)

Gender (%)


235 (58.2)


169 (41.8)

Ethnicity (%)


278 (68.8)


71 (17.6)


39 (9.7)


16 (4)

Primary Etiology of AKI


112 (27.7)

 Ischemic acute tubular necrosis

62 (15.3)

 Cardio-renal syndrome

33 (8.2)

 Hypertensive emergency

18 (4.5)

 Allograft rejection

1 (0.2)

 Abdominal compartment syndrome

2 (0.5)

 Tubular obstruction

9 (2.2)

 Drug- associated AKI

12 (3)

 Cardiac surgery associated-AKI

20 (5)

 Sepsis associated-AKI

105 (26)

 Contrast-induced AKI (CIN)

7 (1.7)

 Obstructive uropathy

9 (2.2)


10 (2.5)

 Hepatorenal syndrome

4 (1)

Single or multiple etiology


310 (76.7)


94 (23.3)


 General wards

272 (67.3)

 Intensive care area/ High dependency unit

43 (10.6)

 Intensive care unit

89 (22)


Frequency (%)

Service where patient is located


81 (20)


78 (19.3)


147 (36.1)


98 (24.3)


 Diabetes Mellitus

230 (56.9)


302 (74.8)

 Cardiovascular disease

187 (46.3)

 Atrial fibrillation

58 (14.4)

 Cerebrovascular accident

57 (14.1)


78 (19.3)

KDIGO stage at AKI diagnosis


238 (58.9)


99 (24.5)


67 (16.6)