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Table 1 Patients characteristics according to presence of active MM diagnosis. Median creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate are not different in both groups. Median κ, λ sFLC and sFLC ratio present statistically significant differences (p < 0.01), with higher Kappa and sFLC ratio in patients with active MM . Surprisingly, lambda is increased in the group without MM in comparison with the active MM group, probably because of the higher incidence of Kappa light chain isotype in the MM group. The sFLC ratio corrects this fact

From: The renal range of the κ/λ sFLC ratio: best strategy to evaluate multiple myeloma in patients with chronic kidney disease


All patients (n = 523)

Patients with active MM (n = 347)

Patients without active MM (n = 176)


Median eGFR (IQR)

85 (62–91)


86 (65–91)


Creatinine (mg/dl) (IQR)

0,83 (0,67-1,1)

0,84 (0,66-1,12)

0,82 (0,68-1,07)


MM Type

 IgG (%)


198 (57)


 IgA (%)


88 (25,4)


 IgM (%)


6 (1,7)


 IgD (%)


4 (1,1)


 IgG + IgA (%)


6 (1,7)


 Bence-Jones (%)


44 (12,7)


 Non-secretory (%)


1 (0,3)


FLC type

 Κ sFLC (%)


227 (65,4)


 λ sFLC (%)


114 (32,8)


 Κ + λ sFLC (%)


5 (1,4)


 Non-secretory (%)


1 (0,3)


FLC level (mg/L)

 Median k sFLC (IQR)

21,1 (11,5-65,4)

26,4 (10,9–147)

17,35 (12,27-32,12)

< 0.001

 Median λ sFLC (IQR)

13,8 (7,5-28,6)

11,2 (6,2-30,4)

16,4 (11,5-26,47)


 Median sFLC ratio (IQR)

1,34 (0,77-6,24)

2,5 (0,49-17,65)

1,11 (0,89-1,39)

< 0.001

  1. eGFR Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, IQR Interquartile range, MM Multiple Myeloma, sFLC Serum Free Light-Chain