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Table 1 Human Trials of therapies for either treatment or prevention of AKI

From: Exercise as a therapeutic option for acute kidney injury: mechanisms and considerations for the design of future clinical studies

Author, year

Therapeutic Agent

Proposed Mechanism of therapeutic agent

AKI patients

Therapeutic Agent administration as treatment of prevention of AKI


McCullough [11], 2016

Alpha Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

Anti-inflammatory cytokine

Ischaemia/Reperfusion due to cardiac surgery


↔ incidence of AKI


↔ Urine IL 18

↔ Urine KIM-1

Swaminathan [12], 2018

Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Paracrine and endocrine effects

Ischaemia/Reperfusion due to cardiac surgery


↔ time to recovery of kidney function

↔ dialysis requirement

↔ mortality

Bagshaw [13], 2017

Low Dose Furosemide

Reduces renal oxygen demand therefore alleviating oxidative stress

ICU admission with AKI


↔ worsening of AKI

↔ kidney recovery

↔ RRT use

↔ mortality

Pickkers [14], 2018

Alkaline Phosphatase

Attenuation of inflammatory response



↔ endogenous creatinine clearance

↑ RRT requirement

↔ kidney injury biomarkers

Kitzler et al. [15], 2012

Vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine

Vitamin E – antioxidative

NAC – free radical scavenger

CKD stages 1–4 patients undergoing elective CT hence at risk of contrast induced AKI


No patients developed contrast induced AKI

↔ change in creatinine clearance

↔ eGFR

Amendola [16], 2018

Goal- directed therapy

Maximises oxygen delivery and cardiac output to prevent tissue hypoxia.

Correction of volume deficits and optimisation of haemodynamic status

Patients with early AKI in critical care


↔ serum creatinine levels

↔ RRT requirement

↔ AKI beyond 72 h

↔ length of hospital stay

Ghaemian [17], 2018

Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning

Release of mediators which attenuate kidney damage following brief induction of ischaemia followed by reperfusion.

Patients with CKD undergoing coronary angiography or angioplasty therefore at risk of contrast induced AKI


↔ serum cystatin C

↔ incidence of contrast induced AKI

↔ serum creatinine

Amini [18], 2018

Selenium, Vitamin C and N-Acetylcysteine

Antioxidants therefore prevent anti-oxidative stress

Patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery


↔ incidence of AKI

↔ time of AKI occurrence

↔ severity of AKI

↔ duration of AKI

↔ length of hospital stay

↔ in hospital mortality