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Table 4 Risk of mortality associated with opioid dose among adults initiating hemodialysis, 2007–2014a (N = 327,344)

From: High-dose opioid utilization and mortality among individuals initiating hemodialysis

Dose (MME per day)

HR (95% CI)


p-value for trend

 No opioids


< 0.0001

 1 to < 30

0.88 (0.85, 0.90)

< 0.0001


 30 to <60

0.98 (0.95, 1.01)



 60 to < 90

1.30 (1.25, 1.34)

< 0.0001


 90 to < 120

1.29 (1.22, 1.36)

< 0.0001


  ≥ 120

1.63 (1.57, 1.69)

< 0.0001

  1. aCox proportional hazard model with time varying exposure for dose and adjustment for patient age, race, ethnicity, sex, employment status, cause of ESKD, body mass index, comorbid conditions (diabetes, cerebrovascular, arteriosclerotic heart disease, peripheral vascular, hypertension, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary, tobacco use, cancer, drug use, inability to ambulate, needs assistance, institutionalized, no prior comorbidities), Charlson comorbidity index, U.S. region, ESKD network, dual-eligible status for Medicare and Medicaid, incident year of hemodialysis, and cumulative days on opioids