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Table 2 Summary of responses rate to online survey questions (n = 536)

From: What are the information needs and concerns of individuals with Polycystic Kidney Disease? Results of an online survey using Facebook and social listening analysis


Response rate

1. Person or carer of someone with PKD

98.7 % (529/536)

2. Gender

100 % (536/536)

3. Age range

100 % (536/536)

4. Length of time since diagnosis

100 % (536/536)

5. Stage of kidney disease

97.9 % (527/536)

6. What has been the biggest challenge for you or the person living with (PKD)? (free text question)

93.7 % (502/536)

7. What type of information have you tried to find online?

96.1 % (515/536)

8. Have you used social media to find information about PKD?

93.7 % (502/536)

9. Do you follow a special diet for your PKD? (free text question)

94.6 % (507/536)

10. Have you seen a dietitian previously to get information about the diet for PKD?

97.0 % (520/536)

11. If you had a chance to ask a dietitian a question right now, what would you most like to know? (free text question)

97.9 % (525/536)

12. Would you find a cookbook for people with PKD useful?

100 % (536/536)

13. In what format would you like a cookbook?

96.6 % (518)

14. What aspects would be of interest in a cookbook ?

97.2 % (521/536)

15. Would you be interested in submitting a recipe for a cookbook ?

95.3 % (511/536)

16. Would you like to assist with compilation of a recipe book ?

98.1 % (526/536)

17. Do you have any other comment or suggestions on how to deliver nutrition information to people affected by PKD? (free text question)

48.9 % (262/536)

  1. Legend: PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease