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Table 5 Exemplar quotes from free text questions in the online survey

From: What are the information needs and concerns of individuals with Polycystic Kidney Disease? Results of an online survey using Facebook and social listening analysis

A challenging journey

The biggest challenge is the physical pain. I stay active and continue to live my life but there are days where it is almost unbearable and severely affects my mental health

(my biggest challenge) is pressure to have children before kidney’s fail

A need for information

I want to know….the best diet for managing early progression of the disease … best way to implement it in order to mitigate other potential risks that might be associated with it (e.g., cardiovascular disease)?

Having a Facebook group for diet and nutrition or a website devoted to diet and nutrition for PKD would be awesome

Make information available at Nephrologist…supply new patients with links, app info, websites etc…Otherwise you are left with the internet to find the info and it may not always be reliable

Doctors…should be encouraged to make a referral to a dietician at the early stages of this disease

What the recovery of kidney transplant, along with nephrectomy, is really like

What can I do to slow down the growth of the cysts?

Dietary concerns

There is limited access to dietician via health insurance & doctors don’t seem to make priority for those in early stages of disease

Most dieticians will probably say low salt, and healthy diet. Not very specific

Are there foods that are less stressful on kidneys in general, or things I should avoid besides the broad low-sodium recommendation

What research is there on benefits of specific dietary components ?

(my biggest concern) is… am I doing the right thing (with my diet)? What should I do?

A need for practical resources

Data that’s understandable to the general public about how impactful healthy diets are for those who follow them vs. those who don’t

Simple meal plans …and recipes…according to what stage you’re in, how much protein, phosphorus and potassium

Educating nephrologists worldwide. I find myself being more knowledgeable on modern clinical trials, medicines, diet, etc. for PKD patients

Make (the information) really simple and compelling

A table or matrix that would help individuals identify what is suitable for them would be helpful