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Table 1 Classification of healthy lifestyle factors for children and adults

From: Associations of a healthy lifestyle score from childhood to adulthood with subclinical kidney damage in midlife: a population-based cohort study


Poor (Score = 0)

Intermediate (Score = 1)

Ideal (Score = 2)


  Children 9–15 years




  Adults> 18 years

≥30.0 kg/m2

25.0–29.9 kg/m2

< 24.9 kg/m2


  Children 9–15 years

> 10 puffs in my life

A few puffs/< 10 puffs in my life

Never smoke in my life

  Adults> 18 years

Current smoker

Former smoker

Never smoke

Alcohol consumption

  Children 9–15 years

1–7 days/week

Less than once/week


  Adults> 18 years

> 20.0 g/day

0.1–20.0 g/day

0 g/day

Physical activity

  Children 9–15 years

0–29.9 min moderate or vigorous activity every day

30.0–59.9 min moderate or vigorous activity every day

≥60.0 min moderate or vigorous activity every day

  Adults> 18 years

0–74.9 min/week moderate intensity or 0–37.4 min/week vigorous intensity or 0–74.9 min/week moderate or vigorous intensity

75.0–149.9 min/week moderate intensity or 37.5–74.9 min/week vigorous intensity or 75.0–149.9 min/week moderate or vigorous intensity c

≥150.0 min/week moderate intensity or ≥ 75.0 min/week vigorous intensity or ≥ 150.0 min/week moderate/vigorous intensity


  Children 9–15 years

<25th percentile

25-75th percentile

≥75th percentile

  Adults> 18 years

<25th percentile

25-75th percentile

≥75th percentile

  1. aIn childhood, overweight and obese were defined according to international standard age- and sex-specific body mass index (BMI) cut-points at each age [21]
  2. b The dietary guideline index (DGI) comprises nine indicators reflecting 2013 Australian Dietary guidelines. Seven indicators, worth 10 points each, related to recommended minimum intakes (dietary variety, vegetables, fruit, grains, lean meats and alternatives, low-fat dairy and alternatives, water). Two indicators were for limiting intake of discretionary foods (worth 20 points) and replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats (10 points). The sum of nine components provides a score out of 100, and a higher score indicates better diet quality [22]
  3. c Minutes of vigorous activity are equal to 2× minutes of moderate activity when moderate and vigorous activities are combined