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Table 4 The association of HLS category a from childhood to adulthood with SKD, UACR and eGFR in midlife (2014–19)

From: Associations of a healthy lifestyle score from childhood to adulthood with subclinical kidney damage in midlife: a population-based cohort study


SKD/n (%)


UACR (mg/mmol)

eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2)

RR (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

Persistently healthy

19/449 (4.2)





5/103 (4.9)

1.00 (0.36 to 2.71)

0.08 (−0.01 to 0.17)

0.12 (−2.43 to 2.66)


8/131 (6.1)

1.39 (0.62 to 3.14)

−0.02 (− 0.08 to 0.04)

−1.01 (−3.27 to 1.24)

Persistently unhealthy

4/57 (7.0)

1.46 (0.50 to 4.21)

0.02 (−0.08 to 0.11)

1.03 (−2.19 to 4.26)

  1. HLS healthy lifestyle score; UACR urinary albumin-creatinine ratio; eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate; SKD subclinical kidney damage; RR relative risk; CI confidence interval
  2. a HLS category was defined as unhealthy with HLS range from 0 to 5, and healthy with HLS range from 6 to 10
  3. Note: adjusted for childhood age, sex, socio-economic position, self-reported health status in childhood, education, occupation in midlife and the duration of follow-up