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Table 2 Complications of pregnancy; graft loss during and up to 1 year after pregnancy 4 (4.4%); fetal death during and up to 1 month after delivery 9 (9.5%)

From: Graft function and pregnancy outcomes after kidney transplantation

Pre-eclampsia-related problems

n = 22 (23.91%)

acute graft loss 1

fetal death 3 (3/22 with vs 6/73 without preeclampsia p = 0.02)

placenta previa

n = 2 (2.17%)

fetal death 1

hemolytic-uremic syndrome of the mother

n = 2 (2.17%; DD severe HELLP syndrome)

acute graft loss 2 (1 irreversible,

1 partially reversible after 7 mos of dialysis)

fetal death 1

spontaneous maternal retroperitoneal bleeding during pregnancy

n = 1a

fetal death 1

spontaneous maternal intraperitoneal bleeding during pregnancy

n = 1b 

transplant bleeding during cesarean section

n = 1

Not clarified intrauterine fetal death

n = 1

urinary obturation

n = 9 (9.78%)

intrahepatic cholestasis

n = 5 (5.43%)

rejections up to 1 year after pregnancy

n = 5 (5.43%)c

acute irreversible graft loss 1 (non-adherence of immunosuppression)

Terminating of pregnancy after 14 weeks because of maternal medical reasonsd

n = 1d

fetal death 2 (twins)

mean pre-pregnancy eGFR:

loss of eGFR by pregnancy:

59.39 ± 17.62 mL/min/1.73 (all n = 88)

13.89 ± 20.41% of pre-pregnancy eGFR

   > 60 mL/min/1.73m2 (n = 44)

  11.63 ± 21.17%

  ≥ 50-60 mL/min/1.73m2 (n = 16)

  11.12 ± 12.29%

   ≥ 40-50 mL/min/1.73m2 (n = 14)

  16.41 ± 21.06%

   < 40 mL/min/1.73m2 (n = 14)

  22.76 ± 22.76%

  1. aanticoagulation because of nephrotic-range proteinuria
  2. bunknown reason; marked pre-existing abdominal scarred adhesions
  3. c3 borderline rejections, 1 mild humoral rejection, 1 severe combined antibody-T-cell mediated rejection with graft loss by incompliance
  4. dunintended pregnancy of twins noticed 3 months after transplantation, therefore no change of medication before pregnancy; additionally, suspected renal cell carcinoma of one native kidney
  5. Mos months, HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets