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Table 1 Eligibility criteria for subjects in Study 204 and Study 307

From: Design of two ongoing clinical trials of tolvaptan in the treatment of pediatric patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Both Studies

Study 204 Only

Study 307 Only

Inclusion criteria

 Clinical diagnosis of ARPKD


Age range: from 28 days to < 12 weeks

Age range: from 28 days to < 18 years

Subjects must have all the following:

• Nephromegaly, and

• Detection of multiple kidney cysts or increased kidney echogenicity suggesting microcysts, and

• History of oligohydramnios or anhydramnios


 Ability of parent/legal guardian to provide written, informed consent prior to initiation of any trial-related procedures, and ability, in the opinion of the principal investigator, to comply with all the requirements of the trial


Ability to provide written informed assent from all subjects old enough per local laws to provide assent

Exclusion criteria

 Premature birth (≤ 32 weeks gestational age) for infants 28 days to < 12 weeks of age


Females who are breast-feeding or who have a positive pregnancy test result prior to receiving tolvaptan

 Anuria or KRT defined as intermittent or continuous hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration or history of kidney transplantation


Subjects with a history of substance abuse within the last 6 months (depending on age)

 Evidence of syndromic conditions associated with kidney cysts (other than ARPKD)


Subjects with a history of persistent noncompliance with antihypertensive or other important medical therapy

 Abnormal liver function tests including ALT and AST, > 1.2 × ULN


Subjects who do not agree to remain abstinent or assent to use a combination of 2 of the following highly effective birth control methods for at least 28 days before the first dose of tolvaptan, during the trial (including during tolvaptan dose interruptions), and for at least 30 days after the last dose of tolvaptan:

• Barrier method of contraception: condoms (male or female) with or without a spermicidal agent, diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicide

• Intrauterine device

• Hormone-based contraceptives which are associated with inhibition of ovulation

 Has splenomegaly or portal hypertension


 Parents with kidney cystic disease


 Receiving chronic diuretic that could not be adjusted after tolvaptan initiation


 Cannot be monitored for fluid balance


 Has or at risk of having sodium and potassium electrolyte imbalances, as determined by the investigator


 Has or at risk of having significant hypovolemia (e,g., subjects that lack free access to water, without adequate fluid monitoring and management) as determined by investigator


 Clinically significant anemia, as determined by investigator


 Platelets < 50,000 µL


 Severe systolic dysfunction defined as ejection fraction < 14%


 Serum sodium levels < 130 mmol/L or > 145 mmol/L (or the ULN of the local laboratory, whichever is lower)


 Taking any other experimental medications


 Require ventilator support


 Taking medications known to induce CYP3A4


 Having an active infection including viral that would require therapy disruptive to tolvaptan dosing


 Subjects who have bladder dysfunction and/or difficulty voiding


 Subjects taking a vasopressin agonist (e.g., desmopressin)


 Subjects having concomitant illnesses or taking medications likely to confound endpoint assessments, including taking approved (i.e., marketed) therapies for the purpose of affecting PKD cysts such as tolvaptan, vasopressin antagonists, anti-sense RNA therapies, rapamycin, sirolimus, everolimus, or somatostatin analogs (i.e., octreotide, sandostatin)


 Received or are scheduled to receive a liver transplant


 History of cholangitis


 Has findings consistent with clinically significant portal hypertension (e.g., varices, variceal bleeding, hypersplenism indicated by thrombocytopenia)

  1. ALT Alanine aminotransferase, ARPKD Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, AST Aspartate aminotransferase, CYP Cytochrome P450, KRT Kidney replacement therapy, PKD Polycystic kidney disease, RNA Ribonucleic acid, SD Standard deviation, ULN Upper limit of normal