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Table 1 Search strategy: keywords and MeSH terms for systematic literature review in Pubmed

From: Validated risk prediction models for outcomes of acute kidney injury: a systematic review


Keywords *

MeSH terms

1. Acute Kidney Injury

”acute kidney injur*”, ”acute renal injur*, ”acute renal insufficienc*, ”acute kidney insufficienc*,“acute kidney failure*”, ”acute renal failure*”, ”renal insufficienc*”, ”kidney insufficienc*”, ”kidney dialys*”, ”renal dialys*”, ”hemodialys*”, ”hemodiafiltration”

”acute kidney injury”, ”renal insufficiency”

2. Outcome of AKI

”chronic renal insufficienc*”,

”chronic kidney insufficienc*”, ”chronic kidney disease*”, ”chronic renal disease*”, ”end-stage kidney disease*”, ”end-stage renal disease*”, ”end-stage kidney failure*”, ”chronic kidney failure”, ”chronic renal failure”,

“ESRD”, ”follow-up stud*”, ”cohort stud*”, ”cohort analys*, ”follow-up”, ”long-term outcome*”

”renal insufficiency, chronic”, ”kidney failure, chronic”, ”follow-up studies”, ”cohort studies”,

3. AI/machine learning

”artificial intelligence”, ”machine intelligence”, ”computational intelligence”, ”statistical model*”, ”probabilistic model*”, ”decision support technique*”, ”decision support model*”, ”decision support system*”, ”decision analys*”, ”decision model”, ”predict model*”, ”prediction model*”, ”predict rule*”, ”predict score”, ”prediction score*”, ”prognostic model*”, ”decision rule”, ”risk model*”, ”risk algorithm*”, ”validation”,

”risk index”, ”risk predict*”, ”clinical model*” ”survival analysis”, ”proportional hazard model*”, ”Kaplan-Meier survival curve”,

”cox model*, ”time-to-event analysis”, ”machine learning”, ”transfer learning”,

”deep learning”, ”supervised machine learning”, ”learning from labeled data”, ”logistic model*”

”artificial intelligence”, ”models, statistical”, ”decision support techniques”, ”survival analysis”,


  1. * Throughout the table, * is truncation symbol.
  2. Searches combined with AND: 1 AND 2 AND 3. The same search query has been adapted to be used in Web of Science, Cochrane, and Embase.