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Table 3 Operational definition of sociodemographic and clinical-laboratory variables

From: Design and methodology of the SARCopenia trajectories and associations with adverse clinical outcomes in patients on HemoDialysis: the SARC-HD study


Collect form (options of response)



Medical records (male or female)


Medical records (in year)


Medical records or self-reported (white, black, Asian, brown, and indigenous)

 Smoking habit

Self-reported (never smoked, former smoker, current smoker)

 Drinking habit

Self-reported (never consumed, former consumer, current consumer)


 School degree

Self-reported (middle or high school, graduated, or post-graduated)

 Marital status

Self-reported (married, single, divorced, widowed)

 Salary range

Self-reported (number of minimum wages)

Vascular access

Medical records (arteriovenous fistula, catheter, or prosthetic graft)

Clinical characteristics


Medical records (in meters)

 Dry body weight

Medical records (in kilograms)

 Hemodialysis vintage

Medical records (in months)

 Comorbid conditions

Medical records or self-reported (yes or no)

 Etiology of chronic kidney disease

Medical records (confirmed diagnosis)


Medical records (no. of medications)

 Physical rehabilitation

Professional standard report (yes or no, modality, frequency)

Dialysis regiment

Medical records (conventional, short-daily, hemodialysis, or hemodiafiltration)

Laboratory variables

Medical records