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Table 2 Humoral immune response after vaccination at V1, V2, V3, and V4

From: Immunogenicity and safety of COVID-19 BNT162b2 booster vaccine in end-stage kidney disease patients receiving haemodialysis in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a cohort prospective study

Humoral immune response



Anti-sRBD IgG antibody (U/mL), GMT (95%CI)

Baseline (V1)

2.98 (1.20–7.42)


1 month after primary vaccination (V2)

332.66 (197.24–561.05)

V1 vs V2: < 0.0001

8 months after primary vaccination (V3)

5,296.63 (2,930.89–9,571.94)

V1 vs V3: < 0.0001

V2 vs V3: < 0.0001

1 month after the booster (V4)

19,142.56 (13,489.63–27,227.01)

V1 vs V4: < 0.0001

V2 vs V4: < 0.0001

V3 vs V4: < 0.0001

Anti-sRBD IgG antibody (U/mL), GMFR (95%CI)

ΔGMFR V2 vs. V1

111.69 (26.42–145.55)


GMFR V3 vs. V1

1,782.38 (2.19–158,854.68)


GMFR V4 vs. V1

6,426.88 (1,256.03–11,428.78)


sVNT NAbs (% inhibition), Median (IQR)

Baseline (V1)

15 (9–83.75)


1 month after primary vaccination (V2)

84 (70.50–96)

V1 vs V2: 0.0308

8 months after primary vaccination (V3)

97 (93.50–98)

V1 vs V3: < 0.0001

V2 vs V3: 0.0044

1 month after the booster (V4)

97 (96.75–98)

V1 vs V4: < 0.0001

V2 vs V4: 0.0007

V3 vs V4: > 0.9999

  1. *Statistically significant if p < 0.05